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Battle of the Monthly Munchies: Curb Your PMS Cravings
By: Holly RigsbyHOW do you fight the "monthly munchies"? It really seems a losing battle!
It really seems a losing battle! I had a "cheat meal" for dinner/ dessert and yet, even knowing I was over where I wanted to be calorically, the only chocolate in the house HAD to go into my tummy... and now I am having another snack because I was starving! What is it that the female body is looking for at that "PMS" time??
Yes - those undeniable monthly munchies..... I cannot tell you HOW many times I and so many women have looked up from an empty bag of cookies, chips or even the pint of ice cream in the garbage and said - "Now what was that all about?".....Then it hits us..."OH - it must be my monthly cravings!"
We can get so caught up in the habit of mindless eating that the results of the monthly cravings can be downright devastating! Not only for our body, but for our peace of mind. How can we ever forgive ourselves for going overboard!
Awareness is KEY to gaining control and minimizing the effect these cravings have.
I suggest taking the time to jot down on your calendar when you feel....low energy, slight irritability (which has decreased tremendously for me - I will tell you why in a minute) and of course uncalled for cravings. After a couple months of doing this you will SEE a Pattern!
This allows you to plan ahead and Anticipate when those feeling will hit. You can plan your meals, your activities, your workload, etc. By knowing - you can account for the craving splurges.
With this also comes the understanding that One week with a couple extra splurges is NOT going to hurt you. Your appetite will naturally increase. We actually need more calories premenstrually, so it would make sense we might experience more cravings if we're short on energy.
In fact, afterwards you will be even more motivated to "work it off" - I actually feel lighter once this phase passes - even what I describe as a strange sense of freedom for cravings DO tend to take over and cause us to experience an uncomfortable lack of control.
Manage those Monthly Cravings! When you know a food craving is going to strike, you can make substitutions instead of simply surrendering.
Map it out. Anticipate when it those cravings are coming. Yes it's okay to give in to some, just in moderation, then you get right back on track.
Eat balanced meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eat carbs, protein and a little fat with every meal and snack. Eating meals that are lacking in one kind of food, we may be more likely to crave it later. Eating often keeps your appetite under control.
Craving-proof your home. The simplest way to quash a craving is to ban crave-worthy foods from your environment. If you do buy snack foods like chips or cookies, choose small packages or individually wrapped portions to avoid going overboard.
Meanwhile, here are three ways to make healthy, low-fat snacks easily available for regular indulgence:
1. Cut up and bag fresh, munchable veggies....carrots, radishes, broccoli and celery stick ahead of time. Eat with low-fat cheese or hummus.
2. Keep light microwave popcorn packages to have on hand, and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.
3. Keep fruit washed and ready to slice into a container of low-fat yogurt.
Go Ahead! It's okay to have what you are craving. Allow yourself a single-sized portion as opposed to buying and eating a larger size. The most common food craved...Chocolate! It does provide some natural mood boosters and endorphins, so have moderation!
Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System and expert contributor at She has helped well over 500 Mom's lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters.
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