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5 Ab Exercises You Can Do In Your Living Room

By: John Barban Copyright (c) 2008 John Barban

The best exercises for working on your abs can be done anywhere without any equipment at all. You can even get a very effective ab workout done while you're watching television right in your living room, there is no need to ever step foot in a gym. As a matter of fact, these ab exercises might even be easier in front of the television as you can pay more attention to your favorite show instead of the burn you will feel from the workout.

These 5 exercises can be done without distracting you from the television. If you're going to sit in front of the tube, might as well work on your abs and core muscles at the same time.

1. Bridge on elbows - lie flat on the floor face down in a starting push up position. Support your body on your elbows and feet. Hold this position keeping your body rigid like a board and flexing your abs tight. Beginners hold for 30 seconds working up to a minute as you become stronger.

2. Bridge on hands - lie flat on the floor face down in a starting push up position. Support your body on your hands and feet. Hold this position keeping your body rigid like a board flexing your abs tight. Beginners hold for 30 seconds working up to a minute as you become stronger.

3. Side Plank - lie in on the floor on your side. Support your body with one hand and on your feet keeping your body rigid like a plank. Do this on both sides for an equal length of time. Beginners hold for 30 seconds working up to a minute as you become stronger.

4. Lying leg raise - lie on your back with your hands underneath the your lower back. With our legs extended raise them a 3-4 inches off the ground, hold this position for a 10 count and repeat 4 times.

5. Seated leg raises - sitting on a couch or chair slide your butt to the edge and support yourself with your hands at your sides, legs straight feet on the ground. Raise them off the ground until they are parallel with the ground. Do 20 reps for 4 sets.

These are simple a very effective home ab and core exercises that can be done right in your living room without even distracting you from watching your favorite tv shows. If you know how to move your body effectively there is never any reason to even leave your house to get a great workout. Now that's a pretty good deal.

John Barban is a professional strength and conditioning coach and nutrition expert. He has extensive experience designing nutritional supplements and has developed his trademark workout for women 6 Minute Circuits. John is an expert contributor to http://www.efit-today.com/public/department59.cfm and recomends the diet program http://www.eatstopeat.com , and believes it is the best new diet for easy and effective weight loss.

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