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How To Get Fit and Firm in Four Weeks

By: Bobby Kelly

February has always been a huge month for me. Many of those who joined other facilities to get themselves in shape are trickling into my world. They realize that full-service gyms have over booked their facilities due to the wave of new members from New Year. This often results in a gym that is too crowded to get a good workout and clients being put on cookie cutter programs. Some have overlooked the need for saunas, steam rooms, and juice bars.

The people who have made serious commitments to themselves to get in shape this year come to me. The others will stay a little longer at the big box gyms. They will cut articles out of magazines and try different workouts. They will follow blindly and therefore they will probably not get the best results.

Some will do well and succeed despite it all because they are at least increasing their activity and others will not.

For those who make the commitment and come to me, one of the first things I do is get them on a good plan. A plan not unlike the one I will show you today.

Planning and simplicity are really the tools I have given all my clients over the years.

Making it challenging and fun has been a huge part of it too.

Here are the three simple steps you need to take right now.

First: Create your own Get Fit Tool Kit and follow this Simple Proven Easy to Follow Plan to be Fit and Firm in Four Weeks.

Your kit should contain:

- A Calendar for the current month

- A blank Food Log: Divide a sheet of paper into seven columns, one for each day of the week. Next, make rows for each of the following: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack.

- And a Grocery List: Add foods to this list that will support you in achieving your fitness goals. Things to include are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, yogurt, cereals, healthy snack foods and low fat/low sugar condiments or seasonings.

Second: Take out your calendar (RIGHT NOW) and do the following:

- Schedule one day a week to go food shopping and to cook.

- Choose 5 workout days: 3 strength and 2 cardio. Put these days in your blackberry or on the wall and make sure you CANNOT change them.

Third: Pick any smart and proven nutritional plan to follow for four weeks:

Some people like South Beach, others like Atkins, others like Weight Watchers and some will just make better choices over the next four weeks.

The calendar will keep you focused. Now that you have placed these workouts and shopping days in your planner, they are immovable. You will plan around them from now on. There will be no skipping because of a lunch meeting if you see a potential conflict. You already have a meeting scheduled — a meeting with yourself. Or, consider it a meeting with me at the gym.

Go to the grocery store one day a week. Use the grocery list I just gave you with the food plan you like. My grocery list is pretty clean. So if you are choosing things that are not on the list, they probably should not be going in your mouth.

Finally, come home and cook and prepare your meals for the whole week. Use the food log to help you figure out which days you will choose which meal plans. If you cook everything ahead of time, or if you prepare the ingredients so you can come home and whip up the meal in no time, you are more likely to succeed.

I guarantee that if you spend a little time planning, and you make the cooking and shopping part fun, you will make better choices this month. You will feel better and you will see changes without making huge sacrifices.

Besides, aren't you glad I didn't send this before Super Bowl weekend? Now get planning!

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby knows the success of hard work and determination. He'll get you where you want to be. Visit Bobby today at http://www.resultsonly.com or email support@resultsonly.com

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